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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Soltice

Hi everyone!

Last night was the first day of winter and with this season there are a lot of changes coming - all of which I'm looking forward to.  A few days ago I moved to a new condo that I LOVE.  It is in my favorite neighbourhood, has lots of coffee shops and stores that are within walking distance, lots of residential streets where I can take my beloved dog, Gracie, for walks and feels so peaceful that I can't describe it.  I feel like I'm at "home", more than I ever did at any other place I've lived, and 1000x more than I did at my last apartment.  It is a good feeling to be comfortable in your home, especially when it is Christmas time.

Yesterday I also received a job offer for a company that I really believe that I will love to work for.  I am struggling with feelings of guilt though as well, as it never seems to be a good time to leave another company that you are working for.  I am trying to remind myself though that, while I need to consider other people, I also have to look out for my own happiness, and I believe that taking this position will be a step in that direction!  It is such a great feeling to have such great things to look forward to in the new year that is coming!  I feel it is going to be a great one :)

Also, I've recently been listening a lot to "Hello World" by Lady Antebellum and maybe because of all the changes that have been happening for the better, it is really touching to me.  I definitely recommend checking out the official video on YouTube.  It is basically a song about reconnecting with the world in the moment and not taking your life (or the people in it) for granted.  Or at least that is what the song means to me...

As it is Christmas-time, I think these things are on our minds even more than they normally are, and I know for one that I have a lot to be thankful for.

Hope that everyone has a great day and thanks for stopping by!


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